
jo D avatar image
jo D asked Phil BoBo commented

How Can control turn speed of AGV? Without A*navigator.


I have a question, about AGV Properties.

I want to control turning speed of AGV, Without A*navigator.

AS far I Know, A*Navigator already has a properties which is turnspeed.

I want to use That kind a function When i use AGV Network..

So, i try to make a same function with join path.

But, I guess It's a different function.

So, AGV network also have a same properties or function ?

FlexSim 19.2.4
agvagv networkagv properties
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered Phil BoBo commented

AGV speeds are controlled by the paths that they travel on. Each path has a path class. Each path class has defined speeds for different load types. The load type is specified when an AGV starts a travel task.

If you want to control the speed of the AGV as it turns, use a Path Class for each path where the AGV turns and specify speeds on the AGV Types table for that Path Class so that the AGV turns at the speed you want:

path-classes.png (243.5 KiB)
· 2
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