I downloaded the warehouse demo model and I played a bit with it.
I updated the model to FlexSim 20.0 and I inserted simply a resource for the pickers. The remainder is equal to the original model.
Then I configured the experimenter and I run it. I noted this issue: if I run the experimenter without the option "Restore original state after each replication" enable, I obtain some results. Instead if I enable that option, the experimenter starts, but after some replication stops itself. I tested the model on different computer in my office and it didn't happen only on my computer.
Could you help me (e.g. @jordan.johnson)? I tried also in FlexSim 19.2 with the original model and the same issue occur in the same way. Thanks!
Be careful to run (save everything before running the experiment) because two times I needed to uninstall and reinstall flexsim because the application was corrupted and didn't start.