
Francisco P3 avatar image
Francisco P3 asked tannerp answered

Airlock Doors?

I am using Flexsim19 and trying to simulate an airlock where many people will pass. I am using A* people as we are talking 500 persons. In previous post about doors (Photos & Garage) the simulation works for single users only, as the door should be connected per person (and does not work well in A* crowds).

1. Are there samples for pair of airlock doors? Where one door should be closed for the other to be open?

2. Could any door (or BasicFR) make the A* people to stop when the door is closed as the "divider" does?

Thanks in advance.

FlexSim 19.0.0
flexsim 19.0.0doors
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
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tannerp answered

@Francisco P3,

I don't know of any sample models that show airlock doors working for crowds. There are a couple of ideas I had that you might be able to try, although I'm not sure how they'd work. These are shots in the dark.

One idea would be to create a preempt task for all of the people waiting to pass through the doors that would cause them to wait until the door is open.

Another idea would be to use an elevator.

And another idea might be to use a batch in Process Flow if you know how big of a "crowd" it takes to open the door.

At the end of the day, however, you need to ask yourself if it's absolutely necessary to model the airlock doors themselves, or if you could use a statistical average to model the effect that the doors have on operator availability/travel times.

What I mean is this: If the airlock doors are the central piece of your model, then maybe FlexSim isn't the best modeling software to test how airlock doors work. But, if the airlock doors are a small piece of a larger operation, you can simply add a delay to operators traveling "through the airlock doors".

If you're not sure about how to calculate such a delay, you can go grab a sample of 40 operators and anonymously track their average wait time at the airlock. If the operators usually have to wait about 30 seconds to travel through, then add a delay with an average time of 30 seconds and a standard deviation of 5 or 10 seconds. That way, you're still getting accurate statistics from your model, but you don't have to go through the trouble of animating the airlock doors, which might be quite cumbersome.

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