
J avatar image
J asked J commented

How to change the color in state pie?

There are normal color and translucent color in the colors/names option of state pie. I want to know if I can change the translucent color or not.

FlexSim 16.0.9
state pieflexsim 16.0.9
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1 Answer

Brittany Evans avatar image
Brittany Evans answered J commented

Hi @佳 ,

In version 16.0.9, if you want to change the colors and names of the states you do that on the Colors/Names Tab of the properties window for the State Pie Chart. You must have the Define Colors and Define Names checked to change them. This tab will also look blank if you do not have an object attached to the State Pie Chart. You decide what states will be translucent on the Utilization Analysis Tab.

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