
wei-ting L avatar image
wei-ting L asked Joshua S commented

Pie State vs Time in an excel table.

Is there a way to export the state pie to an excel and analyze it?

I want the pie status's information every day.

My dashboard is showing the "current" state of my machine's status. But I want the entire duration's information. From simulated day 1 to simulated day 31. In an excel table, showing that day 1's utilization rate is 20%, the idle rate is 80%. Days 2's utilization rate is 40%...... So the table should have many rows, each row represents one day. And the columns will show the status' of my machine.

Is there a way to do that?

FlexSim 18.2.2
state piepie
state.png (14.5 KiB)
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered Joshua S commented

Yes you can export the table data of a chart into a CSV format that can be read by Excel.

If you're using one of the templates, you can open the chart's properties, open up the Advanced tab, and click on the Export Data button.

If you're using your own custom Statistic Collector for the chart you can select the General Tab in the Stats Collector's property window, and select the button Export Table from there.

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