
Łukasz E avatar image
Łukasz E asked Łukasz E commented

Change conveyors speed on Decision Point

How to change the speed of all the conveyors (or the speed of CoveyorType) on Decision Point? When on Arrival I Set Conveyor Speed it changes olny the speed of the conveyor with DP.

Is it possible to enter them entire conveyor system?

FlexSim 19.1.2
conveyor systemspeed change
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered Łukasz E commented

You could try putting the conveyors in a group and then looping through all the group members to set their speed.

  1. for(int i = 1; i <= Group("Conveyors").length; i++) {
  2. Group("Conveyors")[i].as(Conveyor).targetSpeed = 1; //Set speed for each conveyor
  3. }

If you have a model you're building that we can look at, feel free to post it and we'll give a more specific answer.

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