The received empty bins/totes from several storage spaces (Racks) at point of use must be replenished in the replenishment system in the figure 1 following a priority order fixed by a value SC. When empty bins come to "the replenishment system" they are placed in the 'Rack 1788' by 'ASRSvehicle1792' (figure1). Upon their arrival to this rack, they are pushed to the list "EmptyCUtotes" where their SC value is attributed (figure2). A bin is selected and put on the combiner 2 (figure 1) for replenishment that takes 1 minute. When this bin is replenished and leaves the combiner, the next bin is selected for replenishment. At this level, when there is more than one bin on the rack, we must select the priority one (that has the lower SC value) given that the bins don't arrive at the same time on the rack.
I set the query "ORDER BY SC ASC" in the "Pull from List OPMP" (figure3), but this is not working because bins don't arrive at the same time to the rack. I tried several ways to do this but with no result. @Matthew Gillespie would you please help me to fix this?