
Raul V3 avatar image
Raul V3 asked Raul V3 answered

Reset combiner parameters after release item using code

Hi team,

Im doing a model where i need to release the cart inside a combiner due I reach the WO size and Im using the next code:

"releaseitem(token.CartItem,1);" / Used in fixed resource "ReleaseBatchbyWO"

but once i release the cart the combiner "SMT01Cart_FG" still get items from port 2 even if I dont have material from port 1.

Could you please let me know how i can "reset" the combiner in order to start to work based in the original conditions? I mean wait for material for port 1 and start to get material normally?

see attached the model for your reference. you will notice that after release the cart the combiner accept material from port 2 even without have the cart.


FlexSim 20.1.3
combinerflexsim 20.1.3batchforce release
modeloflex1.fsm (7.5 MiB)
· 1
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1 Answer

Raul V3 avatar image
Raul V3 answered

Thanks a lot, Ill create using process flow like your recommendation

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