
wang W2 avatar image
wang W2 Suspended asked wang W2 Suspended commented

Model running very slow

I build a picking order model,it contain lots of objects ,when I run the model, As the model running and the flowitems increasing ,the model operation became more and more slower , although i adjust the run speed bar,it has no effct at all.real speed was just around 15 per second. because of the speed,It wasted lots of time.

how could i increase my model speed at this situation.

FlexSim 19.2.4
flexsim 19.2.4model speed
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered wang W2 Suspended commented

You should think about two factors:

  1. a faster computer with a lot of memory
  2. a more efficient model:
    • reduce the number of items. For example create only those items you really need.
    • virtualize items, if they are stored in a rack.
    • replace items by labels. Often you need only the data and not a visual present item
    • think about what your aim is and what results do you want to get

You get faste results, if you run the model without a 3D model view window.

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