
Nouf avatar image
Nouf asked Jason Lightfoot edited

Slug Building is not working correctly


I am working on this tutorial, and I'm stuck at (Step 3 - Create a Slug-Building Conveyor Type). I followed all the instructions. Still, it doesn't work for me. Could anyone help me with my problem?


FlexSim 20.2.0
flexsim 20.2.0tutorialslug buildingslugslugbuilder
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Raja Sekaran avatar image
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Raja Sekaran answered Nouf commented

Hi @nouf.a2

I have updated the slug building conveyor transfers and attached it here. Let me know if you have any questions.

Note: Slug building conveyor should not have transfers along its length



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Lamm avatar image
Lamm answered Jason Lightfoot edited

I am not sure the function of the Slug Builder is right or not.

In my model, I have 4 slug conveyors.

The 1st slug conveyor have long and put deep into MainConveyor and MergingConveyor.

The 2nd slug conveyor right fit with the MergingConveyor, deep into MainConveyor

The 3rd slug conveyor right fit with the MainConveyor, deep into MergingConveyor

The 4th slug conveyor right fit with MainConveyor and MergingConveyor.

The result is the function of the 3rd and 4th is okay, but the 1st and 2nd not as I suppose.

So is this a bug?

My version is 23.2.1.

Here is my model 1.2 Merging and Slug Building Systems.fsm

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