
Carolina R2 avatar image
Carolina R2 asked Carolina R2 commented

How to access the value of a label in a table format in process flow?


I would like to know what is the notation to access the value of a label in a table format in the process flow. I have a label in a table format that is assigned in the flowitem in the 3D space and I want to assign this label to the token is the process flow. How can I do that?

Thank you in advance!

FlexSim 20.2.1
process flowflexsim 20.2.1assign labellabel format
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Carolina R2 commented

Attached is a model, that adds a table at a label node at an item by source code trigger.

An Activity assigns a cell value of this table at the labels of the item to a token label.



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Carolina R2 avatar image Carolina R2 commented ·

Thank you @Jörg Vogel, you answered my question!

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Parker S avatar image
Parker S answered

In order to access label values in process flow, you need to create an "Assign Labels" activity within your process flow and then assign the token labels using "By Global Table Lookup" in the Value field. This is assuming that you are using a global table to assign labels in your 3D model.

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