
Diego R10 avatar image
Diego R10 asked Roi Sánchez answered

Separator - Use transport

  1. Hi everyone,
  3. My question is the following, the combiner joins 4 blocks and a pallet, and I want the 4 blocks to be used by a robot to leave them on a conveyor belt, and for the pallet once empty to continue on a different belt without using the robot. it could be done? how? 
  5. Thank you very much in advance
FlexSim 20.2.2
flexsim 20.2.2robotseparatortransport
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1 Answer

Roi Sánchez avatar image
Roi Sánchez answered Roi Sánchez edited

Hello @Diego R10, I am not sure if I have understood what you mean but I guess you need a separator to unpack the blocks from the pallet. Then, in order to use a robot to only pick up the blocks, you have to select the 'conditional transport' option in the output section of the separator as shown here:

Take a look at the attached model and check if this is what you need.


1603378516861.png (127.4 KiB)
separator-robot.fsm (51.8 KiB)
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