
Eduardo R13 avatar image
Eduardo R13 asked Eduardo R13 commented

How to set queue priority for robot

Hello. I am making a simulation for improve a process. The second conveyor fills and form a queue while the others don't. I want the robot to always prioritize the second conveyor and attend it first every time there is a box queueing there. However, I’ve been unable to configure the robot to work with this priority system. Is there a way to make the robot operate this way?

Thanks in advance.

FlexSim 20.2.2
flexsim 20.2.2robotpriorityqueueing
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1 Answer

Roi Sánchez avatar image
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Roi Sánchez answered Eduardo R13 commented

Hi @Eduardo R13, you can do it by simply modifying the exit transfer type and set its priority to a greater number than 0:

As the robot´s Queue Strategy is set to be sorted by TaskSequence Priority by default, it will attend first to conveyor whose priorities are high.


1603177318461.png (287.2 KiB)
simulation-3-1.fsm (60.0 KiB)
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