
Lars Jacobsen avatar image
Lars Jacobsen asked Lars Jacobsen answered

Date Time Source with Weekly plan not acting as expected

It seems like when I am using the Weekly option for the Date Time Source and Time Mode "Use Model Start Date/Time" it doesn't use week day to determine when to jump into the arrival DateTimeSource.fsmschedule.

In the attached model I have set the model start to Sunday, but it starts generating tokens immidiately?

FlexSim 20.2.3
flexsim 20.2.3date time source
datetime.png (164.2 KiB)
datetimesource.fsm (242.2 KiB)
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tannerp avatar image tannerp commented ·

@Lars Christian J2, it looks like this is a bug. From what I can tell from clicking on the "Advanced" button, the model always wants to start on a Monday, regardless of what day you select when using the Model Date/Time in the "Time Mode" picklist.

Are you able to start on a Monday for the sake of getting your model to work? If not, we can try to offset things so that it behaves correctly.

@Phil BoBo @Jordan Johnson For what it's worth, I checked this behavior in a 2019 model and it still has the same issue. Was this intentional?

Reference model in 2019: date time bug check 2019.fsm

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1 Answer

Lars Jacobsen avatar image
Lars Jacobsen answered

Thanks @tanner.p. I made a work around. I was just wondering why this bug is still present several years after it was reported the first time.

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