
Tee Hiett avatar image
Tee Hiett asked Jeanette F commented

Why aren't the stats in the quick properties for the Chairs1 showing up?

Chairs Census.fsm

I want to paste the stats from the Quick Properties window for the Chairs on dashboard but they are not showing up in this model. How can I correct this?


FlexSim 20.1.3
flexsim 20.1.3healthcarestatsmulti-location
chairs-census.fsm (54.7 KiB)
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1 Answer

Cliff King avatar image
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Cliff King answered Tee Hiett commented

@Tee Hiett (@Matthew Gillespie,@Jordan Johnson), this appears to be a bug. Not only does the pin not work, but none of the statistics are being displayed for any of the multilocation objects. The waiting line quick properties stats work, but not the multilocation quick properties stats. I'll submit a dev request, but for now, you'll need to use the Location > Content line or bar charts in the dashboard library to get content dashboard charts for the multilocation object. As shown in the GIF below, you should put the Chairs object into a group first so that it can be easily selected in the chart Subset properties.

As a matter of note, the states displayed in Quick Properties for any of the healthcare objects (including patients) show general object states rather than healthcare states in the version you are using. This has been fixed in the current 2021 version of the software!


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