
Daniel Saravia avatar image
Daniel Saravia asked Jeanette F commented

Problem with TS in PF after Batching?


I have a PF the handles the loading of customer's vehicles by matching the order numbers on 2 different kind of flow items (customer vehicles and orders/boxes) I do have 2 kind of orders represented by a brown box (customers that notify their arrival) and a red box (customers that show up without notice). The flow items follow the same PF but I only can make the logic work for the brown boxes, so I don't know why the red boxes can't follow the logic.

Orders are sent to a list and them pull when the corresponding customer arrives (same order number). The customers are sent to a list too then pull by the PF as they arrive to a determined parking spot. I was able to run the SIM without sending the customers vehicles to a list but I changed to sync better the loading because sometimes the batching was done faster than the time the customer took to park their vehicle. @Logan Gold, @bill.nordgren, @Jörg Vogel



FlexSim 20.2.3
processflowflexsim 20.2.3tasksequence
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Jeanette F commented

Hello @Daniel Saravia,

When I examine the tokens for the red and brown boxes the only difference seems to be the array. The order that the array is filled is switched for the red boxes when compared to the brown boxes. I think this is because the order in which the tokens arrive decides what goes in the array first.

To fix this I added this code to your custom code activity before your code.

  1. if (token.Type ==1){
  2.     token.Arraypieces.reverse();
  3. }
· 2
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