
Hai L2 avatar image
Hai L2 asked Hai L2 commented

Add and removing operator/fix resource from code?

Hi all,

I have a table with a list of operators and a table of equipment. I would like to add those operators and equipment when the model starts or reset. I was able to add objects following an example in this forum, but I couldn't find a way to delete all objects of a specific type.

Is there a recommended way to say delete all operators in the model using code?

Are there better approaches for what I am trying to do? .. adding operator and equipment from a table



FlexSim 20.2.1
flexsim 20.2.1operators assignment
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Hai L2 commented

When you add them to the model you could also add them to a group, and then when you want to destroy them just loop through the group members. Commands for using groups are documented here.

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