
Talia Z avatar image
Talia Z asked Talia Z commented

Route containers based on quantity of items inside

Hello! In my model I have a tote that is placed on a pallet; within the tote there are a number of spheres ranging from 0 to 5. I am hoping to route the pallet object containing the tote and spheres to one of the two queues based on the quantity of spheres inside the two containers. If there are 0 spheres inside, the object should be routed to Queue1 and if there are 1 or more spheres inside, the object should be routed to Queue2. I am unsure how to access this property using decision point logic and would appreciate any insights you may share!

I have created a test model to work through this issue - it is attached below.

FlexSim 20.0.9
conveyordecision pointsroutingflexsim 20.0.9container
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Talia Z commented

The expression to test on the decision point will be:



· 3
5 |100000

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Talia Z avatar image Talia Z commented ·

Hi @jason.lightfoot! Thank you for this accurate response! I have one quick follow-up question. I have two different object containers that are moving through the system - pallets with totes and pallets with another pallet attached. Is there a way for me to identify which object this expression affects, as it should only be applied to the pallets with totes that are moving through the conveyor system? The other object will always be routed to 'Queue1'. I have attached the model including the additional object container type.


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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦ Talia Z commented ·

You could test for the name of the thing on the pallet:"Tote")

or, as I have done in the attached model, put a label called something like containerType on the flowitems and test that



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Talia Z avatar image Talia Z Jason Lightfoot ♦ commented ·

Both options work very well in my model, thank you @jason.lightfoot!

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