
Jon Abbott avatar image
Jon Abbott asked Jon Abbott commented

How to duplicate a single wall segment?

Hi, I am attempting to duplicate a single wall segment using copy and paste, but it is duplicating all of the walls when I do this. This appears to be happening in both FlexSim 2020 and 2021 - please see the video below. Is there a way to duplicate only a single wall segment? Thanks in advance for your assistance.

FlexSim 21.0.0
flexsim 21.0.0wallscopypasteduplication
wall-duplication.mp4 (155.3 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jon Abbott commented

I don't think this is possible by default as a wall is two pillars in the drawsurrogate area of the "Walls" object in the tree and an sdt node which says how to draw the wall between the two. Identifying what you have selected and duplicating it is not trivial. You can ask for it to be added by emailing [email protected] or posting it as a suggestion in the forum.

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Jon Abbott avatar image Jon Abbott commented ·

Thanks for the info, @jason.lightfoot! I'll email [email protected].

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