
David Chan avatar image
David Chan asked Jason Lightfoot edited

Orientation Error on Conveyor EntryTransfer

Hi I encountered the following error with the 21.0.1 in the mpdel that was fine with prior version.

time: 2830.973642 exception: FlexScript exception: Invalid down cast. Object is not an instance of the target type. at MODEL:/EntryTransfer1>variables/entryOrientation

Please advise. Thanks

AMS Model 3.fsm


FlexSim 21.0.1
flexsim 21.0.1entrytransferorientation
ams-model-3.fsm (89.1 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
1 Like"
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

If you have a model built in 21.0.0 then you'll need to update the pick option headers for 21.0.1

If you open the entryOrientation code for the transfer and click the Check Sytax button, you'll see this:

CTRL+click on the highlighted blue and white text to paste in the correct headers and then remove the original lines highlighted below:

Click apply and you're all set.

1610105554934.png (19.5 KiB)
1610105651024.png (18.9 KiB)
5 |100000

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