
Sebastian Hemmann avatar image
Sebastian Hemmann asked Ralf Gruber commented

Error after install FlexSim 2021.0.1


I try to install FlexSim 2021.0.1 on a completely new notebook.

Started with the .exe but got an failure during the installation. So I used the .msi and it seems as if the installation was "succesfull" but now I get this as soon as I want to start FlexSim:

It seems like the issue is known, but I can´t find it on the forum. Can anybody give me the helping hint?

FlexSim 21.0.1
flexsim 21.0.1installation
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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered Ralf Gruber commented

Hi @sebastian.hemmann,

Here is a guess based on the opening splash failing on "Initializing OpenGL": with your brand new computer have you updated the graphics driver to the latest?

In addition to this, there are other suggestions in our startup/installation issues article, and in the graphics compatibility article. There is a chance that one of those could also make a difference.

Comment back to let us know if any of those helped solve the problem, or at least provides us with more information.

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