
Youssef EM avatar image
Youssef EM asked Ryan Clark commented

Stack pallets of items in rack

Hello everyone, hope you're doing great.

I have a floor storage rack in my model which I fill with pallets of boxes as seen below. It can contain up to 4 pallets per cell.

Is there any way to place pallets on top of each other with a z offset, like this:

Kind regards :)

FlexSim 19.0.0
rack storagepallets storage
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1610640769050.png (546.2 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Parker S avatar image
Parker S answered Ryan Clark commented

@Youssef EM

This On Entry trigger on the floor storage should work:

You will have to change the trigger from Set Center Location to Set Corner Location by clicking the image of the box and changing it the back corner image shown above.

The 1.03 value works for a pallet with 3 levels of boxes using default dimensions, but you will need to change the value if you have a different pallet height.

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· 4
5 |100000

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