
Lauren K avatar image
Lauren K asked Lauren K commented

Patient stay at station to complete multiple activities if location label = Dual

At this clinic simulation, some stations are dual stations where patient receives both education and vaccination, while some stations are just regular education stations where the patient needs to move on to the next station for vaccination. I created a location label called "Dual" that gives value 2 for my Dual stations and 1 for my non-Dual. I tried to get a decide step to recognize my Dual value, but keep getting syntax errors. VaccineDual.fsm

FlexSim 19.1.2
labelsflexsim 19.1.2locations
vaccinedual.fsm (699.0 KiB)
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Lauren K commented

In the DualStation? activity you can set the Send Token To field to:

  1. patient.Locations[1].Dual

The first part, patient.Locations[1] gets you the last location you acquired and then .Dual gets the value of the Dual label on that location.


vaccinedual-fixed.fsm (152.3 KiB)
· 1
5 |100000

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