
Ryan Y3 avatar image
Ryan Y3 asked Matthew Gillespie commented

Staff/Equipment cant be released to original location

Hi there, Im creating a transport activity set, but after release, some of the staff and equipment wont go back to the original location. This is weird because around half of them work well but the other half stops at the assigned location. Can you let me know how to solve this? Thanks!


FlexSim 20.2.0
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1 Answer

Parker S avatar image
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Parker S answered Ryan Y3 commented

Hi @Ryan Y3

This is happening because the Staff is being released then reacquired by a different patient before the gurney has a chance to fires it's return process flow, which has the last acquired staff move the gurney back to it's reset position.

An easy solution would be to rearrange your Transport activity sets to look like this:

This allows the Transport to be returned before the Staff is released.

I hope this helps!

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