
Gabriel C7 avatar image
Gabriel C7 asked Gabriel C7 commented

queue condition question

I have a problem that if the queue is longer than 15, the new customers that arrive are directed to another process. How can I implement this?

I want to direct customers who find a queue greater than 15 to the "Sink2"


FlexSim 21.0.3
flexsim 21.0.3questions
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1 Answer

José Antonio MD avatar image
José Antonio MD answered Gabriel C7 commented

Hello @Gabriel C7,

You only have change "Max Content" to 15 in the buffer parameter.

In the previous activity (in your case Source1) you have to use "First available" option and you need two connections: 1->Buffer, 2->Alternative. When the buffer (1st port) is full, items will go to 2nd port.

I hope I have been helpful

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