
Xinyi S avatar image
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Xinyi S asked Jason Lightfoot commented

How to change the axis of rotation of a robot joint?

I'm trying to model the universal robots UR3 in FlexSim. Everything is normal except that Joint 4 will turn over 180 degrees when running. It appears the "standard" TE Robot joint 4 rotates around Y, but the Universal Robots Joint 4 rotates around X. I have followed the video about how to customize a robot and I have tried "geometry" tab but they don't work. Do you have any other solutions? A.fsm

FlexSim 20.2.2
rotationrobot modeljoint
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot commented

I'm pretty sure the joint axis rotations have to match the existing robot for the inverse kinematics to work correctly. We can consider this as something to add in the future.

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