
Simon DB avatar image
Simon DB asked Allister Wilson edited

Start with full queue on reset and afterwards use transporter


I would like to start with a full queue on reset and once these queues are empty they are refilled from a stock using a transporter which moves products from a queue to another queue. Can somebody help please?


FlexSim 21.0.2
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Allister Wilson avatar image
Allister Wilson answered Allister Wilson edited

Here's an example of the behaviour you described, the queue uses batching and Flush contents between batches to ensure it is always emptied completely before refilling.

A source using the Arrival sequence mode generates the initial batch.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

There is no difference to fill a queue by a source in mode scheduled arrival at time 0, a processflow starting at runtime 0 or source code. if you want to take care that the queue is filled right at time 0, then source and queue should have a low rank in the tree (quite at the top first or second object after tools node).

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