
Valentin R avatar image
Valentin R asked Jason Lightfoot edited

How to calculate convey time/distance through "A" connection

Dear reader,

I would like to calculate the time or distance a item has to take to go through a conveying network that contains some "A" connections (through exit transfer + entry transfer) between conveyors. This is needed to work with such things as the turn tables of this post :
If I try to calculate a conveying time on a network which has some "A" connections, this calculation does stop without going through this connection thus giving only the time it takes up to the first "A" connection (entry transfer + exit transfer).V21.0.3_Bug1.fsmIs there a way to calculate it until its final destination ? In case of multiple connections, could it also work by looking through many possible output ports ?

Thank you in advance.

FlexSim 21.0.3
conveyorexit transferentry transfera connectionestimateconveytime
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦ commented ·

Is this to find the quickest route between alternatives or to predice the time of arrival (or both)? I ask because if you know the (fixed) route then it might be easier, since you can pass an array of port numbers for each junctions and have a function read the estimated times. If you want to find the quickest route then the logic will need to recurse through the network of connections.

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Valentin R avatar image Valentin R Jason Lightfoot ♦ commented ·

It is to find the quickest route actually.

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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered

I've reported a possible bug in the estimateConveyTime static method of the Conveyor class - certainly it's enough of an issue to pause any example that we might make for you. It's good that you're using a supported version at least. If we have an update we will come back to this post.

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