
Patrick C4 avatar image
Patrick C4 asked Patrick C4 commented

What is the syntax to release an array of pulled tokens at once

I have work order tokens that pull part tokens from a list and store them as token.pulled. I also use lists for synchronizing batch type activities. Rather than pushing back to the list I release the part tokens to another activity. Is there a syntax to release the entire array at once? I've been doing it with a repeated loop until all pulled parts have been released but would like something more efficient. Being an SME who learned Flexsim I don't know all the SQL and Flexscript code.

FlexSim 21.1.0
flexsim 21.1.0using listsarray syntaxrelease tokens
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered Patrick C4 commented

You can just refer to token.pulled in the activity "Release Token".

Example attached.ReleaseMultipleTokens.fsm

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