
Jayson K avatar image
Jayson K asked Jayson K commented

Limit Only 1 SKU per Slot without using Paint Slot Labels

Hi, for the warehousing model_Gravity Flow Rack, I have 5 pallets per slot in gravity flow rack but I want to limit only 1 SKU per slot. Hence, the 5 pallets are same SKU. I can't use "Paint Slot Label" as I have 140++ SKUs and the number of pallets for each SKU is dynamically changing throughout the model. How can i do that with logics below:

a) Inbound pallet search the same SKU pallet in slot and the slot less than 5 pallets

b) If statement above false, it will look for slot with empty pallet/item.

Storage Utilization Simulation_3.fsm

FlexSim 21.0.2
flexsim 21.0.2slot assignmentslot query
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jayson K commented

The find slot has an OnSuccess option to set the slot label - say 'SKU' to the sku being stored.

To match the sku you can then in the query use

  1. WHERE slot.slotItems.length < 5  AND slot.SKU=$1.sku

or if the SKU label is indexed on the storage system GUI

  1. WHERE slot.slotItems.length < 5 AND SKU=$1.sku

this assumes you pass in the pallet as $1 and it has a label on it called sku

Then you need to add another query for the case where you don't find a matching SKU which would be

  1. WHERE slot.slotItems.length=0

Finally - you don't need to BookPalletinSlot, as the FindSlot activity does that for you.

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