
Murilo B avatar image
Murilo B asked Phil BoBo answered

How to use "contextdragconnection" in Fluid?


I'm using the Fluid library and trying to use the "contextdragconnection" to make some connections in the model while it is running.

The problem is that when process flow makes these connections, the fluid does not leave the tank (the code snippet is already opening and closing the object's ports).

How can I do this?



FlexSim 21.1.2
flexsim 21.1.2connectionsfluiddrag connectionsfluidtank
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered

The fluid objects are not designed to dynamically change their connections while the model runs. They have variables for individual port rates that are set up On Reset.

You should create all the port connections before running your model and adjust the rates or close/open ports as necessary during the model run.

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