
Beatriz DT avatar image
Beatriz DT asked Eric M commented

Send out to one queue or another depending on the type of product that is packed

  1. Llegan en cola ocho productos rojos (tipo 1), estos van al combinador para ponerlos en pallets. Además, también llegan productos verdes (tipo 2) y se realizan lotes de la misma forma en palets. Entonces el combinador hace un paquete (producto (1 o 2) -paletas) de dos colores diferentes.
  2. Quiero que el combinador detecte el tipo de producto que se está colocando en los palets y lo lleve a una cola u otra según el color del producto (tipo 1 o tipo 2) que se coloca en el palet.
  3. ¿Cómo se haría esto? Gracias
FlexSim 21.1.0
FlexSim 21.0.5
combinerflexsim 21.1.0flexsim 21.0.5
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1 Answer

Eric M avatar image
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Eric M answered Eric M commented

Hi @Beatriz DT, you can use this code on the "send to port - port by case" option. 'Current' is the object we're looking at the properties for (combiner). The first subnodes command refers to the pallet that's in the combiner. The second subnodes command refers to the first box that's in the pallet. In all, this code is looking at the "Type" label of the first box, of the first pallet, in the combiner. This can then be used to choose which port to send objects to based on the Type. I attached a little demo model to show this as well.

  1. current.subnodes[1].subnodes[1].Type

send out based on combiner contents.fsm

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Beatriz DT avatar image Beatriz DT commented ·

@Eric M Muchas gracias. ¿Podría proporcionarme el archivo para la versión 21.0.5, por favor?

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Eric M avatar image Eric M Beatriz DT commented ·

Yes, sorry I had that incorrect. Here's the model. I also think an easier way to do what you're doing might be to label the pallet based on what type of box it can receive and then send to port via the pallet's type. You can see an example of both methods in this model.


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