
Miguel Pereira avatar image
Miguel Pereira asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Problem in Acquire Resource

Hey everyone,

I'm facing a problem which i cannot understand what's happening.

I have an acquire resource followed by a Wait For Event (with 2 events), when the first one triggers it works fine but when the 2nd one triggers it doesn't continue the process flow and immediately comes back to the acquire activity again.

I'll leave here my project file and confirm that on second 17100 it doesn't continue and comes back to the acquire activity.6AGV.fsm

Best regards,

Miguel Pereira.

FlexSim 21.1.5
agvprocessflowwait for eventacquire resource
6agv.fsm (2.5 MiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

The "Wait for Event" releases the tokens as soon as single item enters the "BagagensDePartida" queue. In the following decide activity you check whether there are more than one items in the queue which, at that point, there are not. As a result the tokens get send to the second connector, try to find content in any "Saida" queue, and eventually return via the "B" connection.

Either, you should check whether there are any items in "BagagensDePartida", or add a 0-second delay after the "Wait for Event" so the tokens only enter the decide activity after all items have entered the queue.


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