
Lars Ssl avatar image
Lars Ssl asked Lars Ssl commented

How can I build an order picking model based on historical data?

I am trying to build a FlexSim model that can simulate operators picking each of their orders from a datalist in Excel. The layout is basically a long aisle of different products. The picking route should start from one end and finish at the other. The inventory is always full so I do not need to simulate waiting for restock or anything like that.

I have gone through multiple tutorials and am still struggling. Please help me get started.

FlexSim 20.0.10
warehouseorder pickingwarehouse optimization modelhistorical data
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Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Lars Ssl commented

This is a super broad topic, and is difficult to answer in an online setting like this. Instead, I'll post a couple links, one to an example model, and another for documentation. Study those in depth. If you get a specific question, feel free to ask as follow up.

The following post is more a demonstration of general warehousing features. It actually demonstrates how to take a historical table and generate picks:

You could consider using a similar approach. If inventory isn't an issue, then you can create an item and place it in the slot, as part of the pick process.

The following documentation may also be helpful:

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Lars Ssl commented

Import of Excel data is a topic of the manual. I think you have this working.
You can either create a DateTime schedule for a source or you setup a interarrival time source which reads the interval of next release from your table.
Order list: You must sort the items on it by their location in your rack. This is a task for a table query. models in there look for available slots. Surely you can use it to find nearest available item.
I would prefer to store the result in an array. Then I can set up a loop that let travel an operator from one item to a next item by pulling an item from the end or beginning of the array. The array class methods are pop() or shift().

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