
Cetim C avatar image
Cetim C asked Roi Sánchez commented

parameter conditioned by a label

I am trying to make a model where I have 3 possible transport alternatives and I have to decide which is the best. To do this I created a parameter from 1 to 3 that was that alternative to later be able to run the experimenter.

Well, the problem appears when I have been asked that these routing are conditioned by a type of product. 80% of the time the product is type 1 and then only alternatives 2 and 3 can be executed. The remaining 20% can be executed 1,2 and 3.
How can I encode this within the parameter itself? If there is an easier way, glad to hear it.

FlexSim 21.2.2
model parameters table
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1 Answer

Roi Sánchez avatar image
Roi Sánchez answered Roi Sánchez commented


Take a look at the attached model. I am basically changing the lower and upper bounds of the parameter (set as an integer) depending on the value of a label (productType). I guess it should work during an experimenter run.

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Cetim C avatar image Cetim C commented ·
Sorry, but my version is 21.2.2.
Could you attach the file in my version or lower? So I cannot open the model.

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Roi Sánchez avatar image Roi Sánchez Cetim C commented ·

Here you are.

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212-support-cetim.fsm (144.3 KiB)
Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ Roi Sánchez commented ·

When I read the question I thought the task had moved away from experiment parameters to one where there is a mix of parts and routing based on the type. Attached model shows how to setup and use a Map label on the first queue to route based on type as described in the question.


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map-routes.fsm (27.8 KiB)
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