
Ryan B10 avatar image
Ryan B10 asked Matthew Gillespie answered

Healthcare Flexsim Elevator Animation

I'm creating a model that begins on the hypothetical second floor of a hospital and I'm trying here to see if I can get some answers for an issue I've come across. I would like to have the elevator as the source of the patient flow. The patients will get off the elevator for arrival, preferably in a batch, and continue through the process. When they leave, they will leave somewhat randomly as their appointments finish at different times. Is there a way to activate the elevator animation while sourcing and sinking the patients? I will provide more detail if needed.

FlexSim 21.2.4
healthcaresourceelevatorpatient flowpatient batching
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
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Matthew Gillespie answered

The easiest way to do this is to just have the patients use the elevators to move from another floor to the main floor you're simulating. You could do this by having people come from the floor above (so that most of your objects are at a Z height of 0).


Or you could put the elevator and the entrance object on the first floor and then set the view's Grid Z to be on the 2nd floor and put all the other objects at this higher Z height.


firstfloor.fsm (58.7 KiB)
secondfloor.fsm (59.0 KiB)
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