
martin.j avatar image
martin.j asked Jason Lightfoot edited

How to Change AGV speed based on CargoType

When using the AGV system the "maxspeed" property/vairable in the TE appears to be overwritten, and only the AGV type defined in the AGV Network Properties appear to matter. But that sets speeds based on the nework path on which the AGV is currently driving.

I would like to vary the maxspeed based on the the cargo type that it is currently carrying. Ideally the maximum speed of the AGV would be the lowest of either its own maxspeed for that cargo type or the speed of the current networkpath.

FlexSim 22.1.1
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

In the AGV Network Properties dialog add load types and then use the InitializeTravel trigger to set the load type for each load.


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