
Bobby L avatar image
Bobby L asked Bobby L commented

Operators working on same processor with different shifts

I have 2 operators working on different shifts. I want the operator 1 to stop work when they have scheduled downtime, and operator 2 to resume the work when their shift starts. The issue I am having is that when operator 1 has scheduled downtime, operator 2 does not resume the process.

Right now, I associated a timetable for operator 1 and a timetable for operator 2. I set the down function as "Stop Object" and resume function as "Resume Object". I tried using " travel to location, delay untill down time complete" but with this function they will complete processing the item on the processor and then go to scheduled down time. I want operator 1 to stop working on the processor when shift is complete and have operator 2 resume the processor when they are scheduled to work.


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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Bobby L commented

Hello @Bobby L,

All you need to add is A connections from each operator back to the dispatcher and it should work. Please check out this post which discusses the same thing.

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Bobby L avatar image Bobby L commented ·
Works great now, thanks for the help Jeanette!
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