
Jungeun W avatar image
Jungeun W asked Felix Möhlmann commented

Start animation before loading item from conveyor


I want to let my "Shape27" start animation of "openclose" and then item flows to AGV

but as I set the on exit trigger-start animation for the conveyor, the animation starts after the loading ended.

How can I handle this problem?

Also, I want to let loading/unloading time varies with control points. I did it by custom code of AGV in this attatched model since there are only 4 control points, but how about if I should set control points more than 20s??

here is the model! The interlock system on the conveyor is what I want to make..!

방열door+conveyor practice.fsm

Plz help! Thx

FlexSim 21.1.5
FlexSim 22.1.1
agvconveyoranimationcontrol points
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

You could trigger the animation in the "On Message" trigger instead. The message can be send by the control point, when the AGV arrives.

Your code for the load/unload time doesn't actually work.


The "station" the AGV loads from or unloads to is the Exit- or Entrytransfer of the conveyor respectively (the object the item is moved from/to).

Also, you are using an OR where the second condition is just a string ("Controlpoint2"). Any non-empty string or non-zero number will evaluate as true. So your if-statement essentially reads if(station == ... || true), which means the load and unload time will always be 5 seconds.

To have varying times, you can write the times to a label on the Entry- and Exittransfers (as well as source and sink) and read that in the code.




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