
Hoang Nk avatar image
Hoang Nk asked Andrew O commented

Changing direction of item in Gravity Flow Rack

Hello all,

I have been facing this problem when using the Storage Rack. 1675266185551.png

In the above figure, I have a storage rack in the middle and 2 stacker cranes on the sides. The workflow is mainly that Crane1 picks some boxes from its side and then places them onto the Rack, the boxes will flow to the other side and will be picked up by Crane2. I am using the GravityFlowRack at the moment to make the boxes flow automatically to the other side.

However, I'm facing a challenge now as there are some channels in the Rack that will be used to return the pallets from Crane2's side to Crane1's side. So, the question is: How can I make a storage rack in which objects can move in both directions?

Many thanks in advance :)

FlexSim 22.1.2
gravity flowrackmoving objects
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

You could block out the slots in two racks so that none are overlapping and have one rotated through 180 degrees - as long as no single slot can change inclination and move items both ways this would work.

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