
Preet avatar image
Preet asked Preet edited

A star navigation is not working as expected

Hi! I have a model which has equipments that faults and call for a technician. Throughout the plant, I have mandatory path. Staff can only use that. They may travel offset to to required tasks.My issues is the technical staff do not go all the way through the faulted equipment (red). They just stop at the location shown in the picture and the equipment gets repaired and they come back.

The core purpose of this model is to check the walking time of these tech staff throughout their travel to solve faulted equipment. If they just stop here, the outcome is incorrect.

Attaching the relevant images.astar-navigation.jpgtech-staff-setting.jpg

FlexSim 23.0.0
a star navigation
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Preet edited

You shouldn't be using mandatory paths. Travelers cannot leave mandatory paths at all, they are like railroad rails. You should probably use preferred paths instead.

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Preet avatar image Preet commented ·

Hi ! Thank you! I used preferred path but then they go near to the machine and able to resolve that across the divider. I was thinking they can not work across the Divider. Do I need to use barrier instead of the divider?

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Matthew Gillespie avatar image Matthew Gillespie ♦♦ Preet commented ·

If the object is right next to the divider then it may appear accessible from the other side of the divider. You'd have to turn on Show Travel Threshold to see for sure. This section of one of the tutorials shows you how to do that

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Preet avatar image Preet Matthew Gillespie ♦♦ commented ·

Great call out! I checked that and it was indeed across the divider. How would I reduce that area without moving the object?


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Preet avatar image Preet commented ·

preferred-path.jpgTried with preferred path

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preferred-path.jpg (88.5 KiB)
Preet avatar image Preet commented ·

As soon as I added barriers to that side. They go around and solve the issue!


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with-barriers.jpg (104.6 KiB)