
Doris C avatar image
Doris C asked Doris C commented

source - How to Use Arrival schedule


I want to use Arrival schedule in the source, but I'm not sure.

What I want to do is that the first item is created in 80 seconds and then comes out every 60 seconds

(ex : 80s→140s→200s→260s→320s)


I always created additional arrivals and worked manually on the time myself.

When I create more than 100 arrivals, it takes too long to work. Is there a faster and easier way to work?

source-Arrival schedule.fsm

FlexSim 19.0.0
sourcearrival times
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Doris C commented

With the schedule setting, you either have to define the entire table (which could be automated) but the amount of arrivals will always be finite that way. Or you repeat the table, but this would of course the first value of 80s will be reused at some point.

I would suggest to instead use a conditional inter-arrivaltime.


When the model starts, the 80s are used for the first arrival. Afterwards the model time is larger than 1 and the expression will evaluate to 1 (true) and the 60s value will be used.

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