
James Riebau avatar image
James Riebau asked James Riebau commented

Help with diverting objects when a conveyor is full.

Good Afternoon,

I've been trying find a way to divert objects on a conveyor when the destination is full and I haven't been able find anything that works for me. I found an example model in the messages here that I thought would work, but it does not. The problem is there is a wait for event activity, that I thought would trigger when the specific object arrives at the destination, but instead it triggers when any object gets to destination. So, it's checking to see if the photo eye is blocked well before the object actually arrives. My model is too big, so I modified the example model to be closer to mine, so show what's happening.

Any ideas how I can make this work?


FlexSim 23.0.0
wait for eventconveyingphoto eyes
conveyordivert.fsm (54.4 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered James Riebau commented

Hello @James Riebau,

Your model just needs one thing added to it. In the process flow wait for event activity you need to match the item label so the token only passes through when the item associated with it fires the event.



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