
larkint8328 avatar image
larkint8328 asked Joerg Vogel answered

Pallet position in Task Executer

Currently when i load pallets into my task executer they stack like this,


I want them to be placed like this


I saw this similar issue in another post ( but that example uses racks and am not sure how to do this with a task executer instead.

FlexSim 23.0.2
pallettaskexecutorsitem placement
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1682005317403.png (83.1 KiB)
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Parker S avatar image
Parker S answered


This can be done in the On Entry trigger of the TaskExecuter. You may have to play around with the values, but something like this should work:


1682020843519.png (44.2 KiB)
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

some flowitems have an ability to stack items. It is a packaging method. You can adjust such a code to apply a stacking ability in other objects. This is done in this answer for an automated guided vehicle.

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