
Patrick Zweekhorst avatar image
Patrick Zweekhorst asked Patrick Zweekhorst commented

AGV control point allocation possibly at wrong time


We have a question about when the AGV allocates a control point.
In the attached model you can see the question at time 7.56.


There are two AGV lines. At line 1 the AGV travels to the first CP on the route and it gets a new travel task in the OnPreArrival event of its destination. The next travel task is to the next cp on the route. When the pre arrival event of ControlPoint2507 fires the AGV gets a travel task to the last control point on the line (This is at time 6.06), skipping 3 controlpoints on the route.
At time 7.56 AGV1 allocates control point 2511, but we don’t see the reason why this control point is allocated at this time. For what we understand this should be done at the pre arrival event of control point 2510
The PreArrival event for control point 2510 did not fire yet, so the AGV should not have allocated control point 2511 at this time.

To check this logic we made a second line (just copy paste the 3D objects) and we give AGV2 a travel task directly to control point 2511. This AGV only allocates the last control point at the line at time 8.31, this is the moment that the pre arrival of the one but last control point fires.

Could someone explain why AGV1 allocates control point 2511 so early?

Thank you in advance,


Actually it is already a bit strange at time 6.062:


The highlighted control point and the two highlighted control areas should not have been claimed at this point I think. Those should be claimed when the AGV pre arrives at the next control point, not at this moment AGV2 looks to be doing the correct thing.


FlexSim 23.0.9
agvallocationagv allocation
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cpclaims-1.fsm (57.1 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Patrick Zweekhorst commented

I think you should be placing breathe activities after each pre-Arrival since you're about to pre-empt something that is mid-event.

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Patrick Zweekhorst avatar image Patrick Zweekhorst commented ·
This indeed works well in this example model. I will do some more testing in the actual model on my next work day. Thanks Jason
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