
Qhrrl4556 avatar image
Qhrrl4556 asked Carter Walch commented

AGV Ld/ULD Logic Issue

Hello, every time you help me a lot.

There is an issue related to AGV operation.

1. Load 2 boxes from Queue

2. AGVs go to Processors.

3. Unloading(ULD) the product for which work has been completed in the Processor.

4. Loading(LD) the product on the AGV that has not been worked on.

(AGV has 3 buffer)

5. go to another Processor and repeat (3-4)

*so AGV has 2 box which work has been completed

using Process Flow, or Or is it possible to solve the issue by utilizing the "break to" property of TaskExecuter?

Please note that we cannot upload flexsim files or images due to security concerns. :(

I would appreciate it if you let me know by text, or if the best way is to create an example file.

Thank you.

FlexSim 22.2.0
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered

The break will allow you to select another task sequence at that point in the current task sequence, so it will depend on the break-to logic to make that selection. The traditional way of doing this is to issue all the task sequences for each item as seperate jobs and then scan the task sequence queue of the object to determine what to do next at the break point.

An alternative is to issue tasks in a process flow and have the process flow logic handle what to do next. The choice is yours.

Once you have a preferred method, post an example/test model and we can take a look.

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