I'm creating a model with two types of trucks. Let's call them blue truck and yellow trucks. Both of these trucks enter a small space every day and operate within this space for a limited amount of time.Yellow trucks remain in the space for about 4.45 minutes while Blue trucks will be in the space for about 85 minutes. Yellow trucks are more important than the blue trucks and should have uninterrupted flow while loading its gargo in the small space. Blue trucks can only ofload its gorgo if yellow truck are not present in this space.
* 34 Yellow truck will enter the small space at any time from 6 AM to 4 PM .
*10 blue trucks will enter the small space at any time between 6 AM to 4PM.
I thought about implementing a traffic flow light .If the yellow trucks are in the small space a red light will stop the blue trucks from operating , if there are no yellow truck in the system a greenligt will go of and the blue trucks will ofload their cargo. But I'm not sure how to implement this logic.
Please help , thank you