
Hoang Nk avatar image
Hoang Nk asked Jason Lightfoot edited

Crane cannot do the TASKTYPE_TRAVEL task

Hi guys,

I'm having to make a controller for an overhead crane, which it will give 4 small subtasks for the crane to operate: travel before pick -> pick load -> travel after pick -> drop load

The problem here is when I try to create a task sequence with only the TASKTYPE_TRAVEL, the crane doesn't move. It only moves when I add the TASKTYPE_LOAD into the task sequence but I don't want to make it like that, I want to have 4 separate task sequences for each subtask.

I tested with the AGV vehicle and it is possible to run it with only TASKTYPE_TRAVEL, is it because of the configuration of the crane or did I miss something here?


The above picture is my plant setting, the crane travels to those queues and pick/drop loads into them.


FlexSim 23.1.3
crane movementtasksequencestasktype
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

Use TASKTYPE_TRAVELTOLOC for the non-loading travel components.

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