
Rafael de Assis avatar image
Rafael de Assis asked Rafael de Assis commented

How to use de decide block in processo flow?

Hello Everyone

I built a model whose the transport is with AGV tugger

I think that I had a mistake in decide block in process flow.

The model works:

- The AGV load the pallet with fowitens an unload in two points, dispach area and motor line;

- before the transporte, the flowitens are combine (1st combiner, to combine 8 flowitens with label number 1. this pallet assign label number 1 on exit of combiner. the 2nd combiner to combine 4 flowitens with labels 5, 22, 320 and 4100; this pallet assign label number 22 on exit of combiner)

- the AGV loads empty pallet in dispach area and motor line, after that it leaves the empty pallet on painting station area.

- if the AGV doenst have load, it goes to parkpoint to recharge battery.

- in process flow only this application doesnt work.

someone could me help to find my mistake?

Modelo situação AGV rebocador 7.fsm

FlexSim 21.1.5
agvprocesss flowblock
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Kavika F avatar image
Kavika F answered Rafael de Assis commented

Hey @Rafael de Assis, I think one of your issues is that your decide activity "Do we have itens to load?" hasn't been setup properly.


You need to define a conditional statement. You don't have a "token.labelName", so it throws errors at 4660 seconds. Also, I don't know why you have a decide activity there if it only exits to one place.

Additionally, in your "Load itens to Motors from Painting" section of Process Flow has an "AGV Travel" activity that is using the label "token.taskSequence", but that hasn't been defined.


You either need to specify a specific AGV to use or use a "Create Task Sequence" activity before it.

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