
laitriminh avatar image
laitriminh asked laitriminh commented

Control Transporter when idle

Hello, Flexsim community, I've received help from the community, and I have a Flexsim model, version 2019, which I have attached. I'm facing an issue where I want Transporter1 to work together with Transporter2 to move items from Queue3, 4, 5, and 6 to the Sink when Transporter1 is "idle". Additionally, Transporter1 should still follow the settings in the FixResource when a task requires it. I've attached the Flexsim file version 2019 for your reference. I really appreciate and hope for your assistance.



Process Flow.fsm

FlexSim 19.0.0
transporterprocesss flowlist pullfixed resourceidle
process-flow.fsm (43.2 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered laitriminh commented

Connect the queues 3-6 to a dispatcher and the dispatcher to both forklifts.

In the Process Flow, instead of giving individual tasks to the forklift, combine them into a task sequence with a higher priority than the tasks generated by queue 3-6.


process-flow1.fsm (44.2 KiB)
· 3
5 |100000

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laitriminh avatar image laitriminh commented ·

I appreciate it, Felix. Because I want Transporter1 to carry 150 boxes at a time, I adjusted the capacity to 150. However, I encountered an issue where, during transportation from Queue3 to Sink, Transporter1 only drops 1 box into the Sink and carries the remaining 149 boxes back to Queue2, repeating this pattern. I've attached the file below, and I'm really hoping for your assistance, Felix.



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capture.png (322.7 KiB)
Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann laitriminh commented ·

Hm, didn't think about that. Every item that is moved from queue3-6 has its own separate task sequence. The task executer loads more than one because after it loads an item there is a "break" task inserted in the task sequence, at which point the TE can check if there are other pending task sequences it can start. Which task sequences are eligible is controlled through the "Break To" setting of the TE.

So after the transport unloads one of those items, this is actually the end of that task sequence and the TE will look through its task sequence queue for the highest priority sequence and resume it. If at this point it has received the task sequence from the Process Flow it will start it (higher priority) before unloading any of the other items.

The best I can think of right now to work around that is to bundle the transport from queue3-6 into one singular task sequence in Process Flow as well. That way, the transport should always fully unload before starting any new task.


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process-flow2.fsm (55.0 KiB)
laitriminh avatar image laitriminh Felix Möhlmann commented ·
I understand what you mean. So appreciate the things you do. Thank you so much, Felix. And I hope you have a great day ahead.
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